AccuSculpt Laser Liposuction
Non-Surgical Laser Liposuction in the San Diego Area
Dr. Melanie Palm is an expert in the use of Accusculpt, a non-surgical laser liposuction procedure, for the removal of excess fat deposits on the face and body. It is used to complement liposculpture similar to Vaser, CoolLipo, or SmartLipo. Dr. Palm is nationally recognized as a leading dermatologist and is a consultant for Lutronic, the manufacturer of the Accusculpt laser liposuction device. She is also the author of an article reviewing laser liposuction in the medical literature. Her offices are located in Solana Beach, CA just north of San Diego.
What is Accusculpt™ Laser Liposuction?
Accusculpt™ is a minimally invasive laser liposuction technique that melts excess fat deposits, making them easier to remove than its more invasive predecessors. The heat generated from the laser also warms collagen deep within the skin, often resulting in toning and tightening of the tissue in areas of lax skin such as the neck, abdomen, or arms.
Developed by Lutronic, Accusculpt uses a 1444 nm diode laser that is FDA-approved for laser assisted liposuction. It is the newest laser device approved for the treatment of excess fat deposits. Accusculpt only targets fat cells, decreasing collateral damage to surrounding tissues.
Other lasers have also been used to treat small areas of fat deposits. These include the 1320 nm CoolLipo device and the 1064 nm SmartLipo device.
In a recent study published in the Laser Medicine literature, a comparison of all three laser wavelengths found that the 1444 nm wavelength used by Accusculpt™ creates more significant fat destruction with the least amount of heat production to nearby tissues. These findings suggest that Accusculpt could provide more targeted therapy to fat deposits while protecting nearby tissues and structures such as blood vessels or nerves.
What Are the Benefits of Accusculpt?
Since Accusculpt is a minimally invasive procedure, there are almost none of the side effects associated with traditional liposuction. Bruising, swelling, and post-treatment discomfort are greatly reduced – and often eliminated altogether.
Additional benefits of Accusculpt include:
- Little to no downtime
- Can be performed on patients up to 70 years of age
- Little to no post-treatment swelling or discomfort
- Can be performed with local anesthesia
- Liquefies fat for easier and more comfortable removal
- Helps to tone and tighten the skin in the treated areas
- Able to target stubborn fatty deposits

Can Accusculpt laser liposuction be used with traditional liposuction?
Yes. Accusculpt is often combined with liposculpture to yield better results. The neck, jowls, abdomen, and arms may be treated with Accusculpt first and then liposuction to enhance skin tightening in the treatment area. Additionally, areas with fibrous, “tough” fat such as the flanks, back, and male chest, may benefit from Accusculpt treatment immediately preceding liposuction. Both procedures are performed during the same treatment session.
If you are looking for a non-surgical alternative for getting rid of unwanted, excess fat in the San Diego area, call Dr. Melanie Palm at 858.792.SKIN (7546) to schedule your appointment.