Cherry Angiomas

Cherry Angioma Removal

Treatment Options for Cherry Angiomas in the San Diego Area

Dr. Melanie Palm is a nationally-recognized dermatologist who practices in the San Diego-area. She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of many skin conditions and dermatologic issues including Cherry Angiomas, skin tags, spider veins and age spots to name just few. Dr. Palm’s has offices located in Solana Beach, just north of San Diego, CA.

What are Cherry Angiomas?

Cherry angiomas are benign (harmless) proliferations of blood vessels that appear as cherry-red bumps, most commonly on the upper trunk. Occasionally, cherry angiomas can appear purplish or be confused for a mole. They are usually small in size but vary from 0.5 to about 6 mm in size. The number of cherry angiomas increase with age; many patients aged 30 or over have a few on their skin.

Where do Cherry Angiomas Appear?

Cherry angiomas frequently appear first on the trunk or the arms, but may arise anywhere on the body or face and scalp. They rarely appear on the hands or feet. These skin spots bleed when traumatized. Sometimes a dermatologic evaluation is required to distinguish cherry angiomas from a mole or skin cancer.

What Options are Available for Cherry Angioma Removal?

Cherry angiomas can be treated by hyfrecation using radiofrequency energy, IPL, or pulsed dye laser treatment. Large cherry angiomas are sometimes treated with shave removal in which the area is numbed prior to treatment.

If you are in the San Diego area and like to learn more about the best treatment options for your cherry angiomas, call Dr. Melanie Palm at 858.792.SKIN (7546) to schedule your appointment.

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