Dysport Injections
Non-Surgical Wrinkle Treatment in the San Diego Area
Dr. Melanie Palm is a Dysport® injections expert with offices in Solana Beach, CA just north of San Diego. She was directly involved with the Dysport® (abobotulinumtoxinA) clinical studies and was one of the first U.S. physicians to gain experience with injecting Dysport.
What is the difference between Dysport® and Botox®?
Botox® Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) and Dysport® (abobotulinumtoxinA) are both FDA-approved products indicated for the temporary treatment of glabellar rhytides, the wrinkles between the eyebrows sometimes referred to as “angry 11s.” Botox® Cosmetic has an additional FDA indication in the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis, or the treatment of excessive sweating of the underarm area. Botox® Cosmetic and Dysport® are similar products, simply made by different manufacturers. Just like there are different brands of soda, there are now different brands of “Botox®.”
How do Dysport® injections work?
Dysport® causes relaxation of facial muscles. The product works by blocking the communication between nerve endings and their surrounding muscles. Dysport® is injected into specific regions to treat overactive muscles that cause wrinkles with facial animation. The effect of Dysport® is temporary and repeat treatments are necessary periodically to maintain the softening of facial furrows and creases.
What is Dr. Palm’s experience with Dysport®?
Dr. Palm was involved with the clinical studies of Dysport® as one of the physician injectors. As a result of this involvement, Dr. Palm was among the first U.S. physicians to gain experience with injecting Dysport. She now serves as a lecturer and physician trainer for Valeant, the company that manufacturers Dysport®, as well as Restylane®, Perlane®, and Sculptra® Aesthetic. She instructs physicians across the country on the safety and effective use of these products.
Where can Dysport® be used?
Dysport® is FDA-approved for the angry 11’s (wrinkles between the brow). Although both Botox® Cosmetic and Dysport® are commonly used for the treatment in the upper third of the face, there are many additional areas of the face and neck that may benefit from their use:
Small amounts are injected into the forehead muscle called the frontalis to soften horizontal forehead lines.
Wrinkles around the eyes that are accentuated by smiling and squinting can be improved.
Injection near the side of the eyebrows can keep eyebrows elevated and give a pleasing position to the eyebrow and a more “open” appearance to the upper eyelid.
Wrinkles along the sides of the nose that appear when you crinkle your nose can be softened with treatment.
A smile that is too “toothy” in which a person’s upper gum disappears and only the upper teeth show can be improved by injecting very small amounts.
Small lines around the mouth caused by speaking or smoking can be softened with treatment.
Small amounts of either product can help to correct downturned corners of the mouth, creating a smile at rest rather than a scowl.
A wrinkly or pebbled chin with changes sometimes referred to as peau d’orange (orange skin) can be improved by injecting small amounts.
The muscle of the neck is called the platysma. With time this muscle separates causing vertical bands called “platysmal bands.” Botox® Cosmetic can be injected in a specific pattern along the neck and jawline to smooth the bands and help lift the jawline.
The masseter muscle along the side of the jawline can be large in some people, causing the jaw to look big and the face to look square. Small amounts of Botox® Cosmetic can be injected into the sides of the cheeks to soften the appearance of the jawline.
This condition is a facial paralysis resulting from a variety of causes. The non-affected side of the face can be treated with modest amounts of Botox® Cosmetic to create better facial symmetry.
Uncontrolled contraction and twitching of the eyelids or face can be improved with treatment using Botox® Cosmetic.
Both products can reduce sweating in the armpit, or moistness of the hands or feet. Results typically last longer, sometimes as long as 6-12 months.

How Much Do Dysport® Injections Cost in the San Diego Area?
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of Botox® Cosmetic is $400. Dysport® is priced roughly equivalent to a similar treatment dose of Botox® Cosmetic. Dr. Palm charges by the unit, rather than the area treated. Therefore, a treated patient is only charged for the amount of Dysport used.
Dysport Treatment FAQ
The goal of treatment with Dysport® is to soften natural facial expression. After treatment patients can still smile and frown naturally and should not look expressionless or “frozen”. Patients typically notice an improvement in the appearance of wrinkles within 2-7 days of treatment. In clinical studies, the effects of Dysport treatment have been shown to last up to 120 days.
Yes, Dysport® is often combined with other procedures to enhance facial rejuvenation. Treatments with fillers and volumizing agents such as Juvéderm®, Restylane®, Radiesse®, Sculptra® can be performed during the same treatment session. Dysport is often administered to specific areas of the face prior to laser resurfacing to preserve and enhance the wrinkle reducing effects of this procedure.
Botox® Cosmetic was FDA-approved in 2002 and has been used in millions of U.S. patients. Dysport® was FDA-approved in 2009; however it has been available for use in Europe for wrinkle improvement since 2001. In clinical studies for the approval of Dysport®, the incidence of side effects was comparable to that of Botox® Cosmetic.
Side effects are uncommon with correct placement of Dysport® injections by a well-trained, board-certified, core-specialty physician like Dr. Melanie Palm. The majority of side effects are temporary and injection-related. These include localized swelling, pain, or bruising at the site of injection. Uncommon but more serious side effects include headache, tiredness, double vision, blurred vision, or drooping eyelids. Complete safety information can be obtained by asking your doctor for the Dysport patient information pamphlet or package insert.
Treatment with Dysport® is virtually painless. Very small (insulin) needles are used to administer the products and numbing cream and ice packs can be used during treatment to further reduce any discomfort if desired. Dysport is considered a “no downtime” procedure.
It is often advantageous to use Dysport® in conjunction with some laser procedures. In particular, Dr. Palm may recommend treatment with Dysport of facial muscles prior to laser skin resurfacing for facial wrinkles. By relaxing the active muscle movement forming facial wrinkles on the forehead, between and around the eyes, and around the mouth and chin, the skin following laser resurfacing can heal smoothly and evenly. Without overactive muscle movement, the new collagen produced following laser skin resurfacing will be laid down evenly, not allowing the etched in wrinkles to easily re-form.
If you are looking for a non-surgical alternative for getting rid of wrinkles and lines in the San Diego area, call Dr. Melanie Palm at 858.792.SKIN (7546) to schedule your appointment.