Aesthetician Services

Common Skin Care Mistakes

I was recently on San Diego CW6 in the Morning discussing and dispelling Skin Care myths. There are many things that we do on a routine basis that are not good for our skin, and in some cases detrimental. Click below to see our feature TV segment. A detailed discussion follows below. Treat your skin with TLC! 1. Tanning myths: A base tan is safe and there is no need for sunscreen during winter months/cloudy


Art of Skin MD by Dr. Melanie Palm voted San Diego A-List “Best Medical Spa”

I’m so proud to announce that Art of Skin MD was announced as “Best Medical Spa” according to the San Diego A-List. We cannot thank all of our lovely patients enough for expressing their support and helping us to attain this honor! San Diego A-List identifies each year the outstanding health and beauty business of San Diego. We are thrilled that after being open for just over a year, that Art of Skin MD has


Dermasweep – The Next Generation in Skin Care Infusions and Microdermabrasion

Art of Skin MD and our Aesthetician Services is proud to announce the arrival of DermaSweep. DermaSweep is a closed-system microdermabrasion and skin infusion device. In two steps, if first clears away dull, dead skin cells and secondly, adds back specifically chosen infusions to the skin to hydrate, and treat the skin. DermaSweep is different from other microdermabrasion systems. It does not use particles such as crystals. As a result of the vacuum assist technology,


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