
Fast and the Furious: Laser Tattoo Removal Made Simple with Dr. Melanie Palm at Art of Skin MD

Tired of that older tattoo from days past? The old flower or dolphin or initials, or heart or star has lost its glimmer or meaning? Are you ready to rid that tattoo? If your answer is yes, consider laser tattoo removal at Art of Skin MD. At Art of Skin MD, Dr. Melanie Palm uses the latest technology to remove professional and traumatic tattoos. Most colored tattoos can be removed with our Q-switched laser, the


Lovely Legs: Eliminate Spider Veins with Sclerotherapy by Dr. Melanie Palm

Spring weather is just around the corner and it is time to think about revealing long, lean, vein-free legs. How to banish those pesky spider veins called telangiectasias? The answer is easy and pain-free: sclerotherapy using foamed Asclera. Sclerotherapy is the gold standard of treatment in eliminating unwanted leg veins. It can be used to clear unsightly small veins called telangiectasias, larger blue-green veins called “reticular veins,” or even bulging blue veins called varicose veins.


Laser Hair Removal Made Pain-Free at San Diego Art of Skin MD

Art of Skin MD and Lutronic’s Advantage Diode laser redefine Laser Hair Removal: EASY, FAST, PAINLESS!!! Here is our fun mantra for laser hair removal: “Every time a sizzle sings, a hair follicle gets its wings!” Ingrown hairs, painful waxing, and hair backs….all reasons to consider laser hair removal! Summer time weather is around the corner and all of us want to be fuzz-free for those sunny days on the beach. Start to get that


Fuller Lips with Filler: Dr. Melanie Palm Perfects the Pout Part II

Now that we have explored the use of a cannula to fill the lip in our previous Art of Skin MD post, let’s now explore how to create a NATURAL, BEAUTIFULLY-ENHANCED lip. My philosophy is that we should enhance the inherent beauty of your lips, so that it becomes a harmonious part of the face. Enhanced lips should never look “done,” a frequent concern of patients during initial consultation. Various fillers are used to augment


Perfect Pout by Valentine’s–Lip Filler with Restylane

Got thin lips?  Don’t want a trout pout?  Scared of duck lips?  Want a quick procedure by Dr. Melanie Palm with minimal bruising and NO PAIN?  We have got your answer!!!   Lip filling using a cannula! Restylane has now been FDA-approved for lip filling, and with Dr. Palm’s gentle hand, trauma to the lips is minimized and the result is fantastic looking lips! A recent advance has been the use of a “cannula” –


Liposculpture: Liposuction Without Anesthesia or Discomfort and Harvested Fat for Volumizing!

The beginning of a new year and those first inklings of upcoming spring and summer get us thinking about personal improvements…and beach weather. And with the pool or beach comes the swimsuit…and wanting to look great in it! So, if proper diet and exercise regimens have gotten you close to your ideal shape, but you are experiencing trouble spots that are stubborn improvement, it might be time to consider a consultation with Dr. Melanie Palm


Ultherapy Review: PAINLESS ultrasound treatment for a new toned neck and face

Having completed Ultherapy on six patients this past week alone, I am pleased to say how comfortable patients undergoing skin tightening treatment with myself (Dr. Melanie Palm). Using local nerve blocks on the neck, lower face, and around the brow area, Ulthera can be completed in about an hour in complete comfort. Skin tightening occurs gradually over a several month period following treatment. The treatment itself feels like tingling and slight warmth. The patient experience


Behold the Power of Uplifting Ultrasound: Ultherapy Event at Art of Skin MD

Harness the power of Ultrasound! The nonsurgical facelift, browlift, and necklift that takes approximately an hour to complete with NO DOWNTIME is here at Art of Skin MD. Check out the details below for the Art of Skin MD Ultherapy special event on Thursday, January 24th from 5:30 pm to 8 pm. Refreshments, and informative talk by Dr. Melanie Palm, grab bags, and even a live demonstration of Ulthera will take place. Most importantly, internationally-recognized,


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