
Liposculpture Seminar with Dr. Palm: Shape Up for Summer

All are welcome to the Art of Skin MD special seminar Thursday, April 11th on the latest in body and facial contouring. I’m (Dr. Melanie Palm) am pleased to discuss the latest in innovative techniques to address unwanted areas of fat and body imperfections. Here are the Liposculpture Event details at Art of Skin MD: Thursday, April 11th from 6 to 8 pm (doors open at 5:30 pm) Light appetizers and drinks will be served


IPL Photofacial Treatment is a Snap!

Winter skin blahs got you down? Consider a photofacial! Also known as an IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), this short, no-downtime procedure is a great way to rejuvenate the skin. A quick patient demo for treatment of facial redness is shown below on our YouTube station: Photofacial IPL is great for a variety of skin conditions, Traditionally performed at monthly intervals as a series of treatments, IPL can improve rosacea, broken blood vessels called capillaries, and


Dr. Melanie Palm a Featured Speaker at National Laser Meeting ASLMS in Boston

April will be a busy month for laser specialists. Nationally and internationally-recognized experts in laser science will converge in Boston this April for the laser meeting of the year, the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS). I (Dr. Melanie Palm) am among the roster of speakers at this international meeting of the minds on the latest and greatest in lasers. This year’s talk will focus on developments in IPL technology as a part


Liposculpture: Liposuction Without Anesthesia or Discomfort and Harvested Fat for Volumizing!

The beginning of a new year and those first inklings of upcoming spring and summer get us thinking about personal improvements…and beach weather. And with the pool or beach comes the swimsuit…and wanting to look great in it! So, if proper diet and exercise regimens have gotten you close to your ideal shape, but you are experiencing trouble spots that are stubborn improvement, it might be time to consider a consultation with Dr. Melanie Palm


Rock Your Body in 2013 with Liposculpture

The heralding of a new year brings about reflections of how we will make changes for the better, both inside and out. When exercise and proper diet are not enough to get you to your goal physical shape, it may be time to consider a body-shaping procedure such as liposculpture. So what exactly is liposculpture? It is liposuction performed exclusively under local anesthetic, or sometimes called “tumescent liposuction.” The procedure was pioneered by French surgeons


Winter Skin Tips with Dr. Palm: Lasers, Topicals and More!

Holiday season heralds a flurry of parties, imbibing, decadent food, and cooler whether that can wreak havoc on the skin. As Dr. Palm explains this morning on CW6 San Diego, there are both office-based procedures and at-home tips that can keep your skin glowing and dewy well through the New Year. Click on the photo to see the whole broadcast on Dr. Palm, representing Art of Skin MD with the revolutionary Lutronic Spectra laser: Decreased


Hand Rejuvenation: You asked for it, here it is (IPL and Radiesse)

We had so much positive feedback from our video on Perlane use for restoration of volume on the back of the hands that by popular demand, here is a series of videos on complete hand rejuvenation including first Radiesse filler for volumizing atrophic, volume-depleted hands and IPL for removing brown spots due to sun exposure. Radiesse is a calcium-based injectable filler called calcium hydroxylapatite. It is FDA-approved for facial volumizing for folds and wrinkles such


Aging Hands Be Gone: Rejuvenate with Radiesse and IPL Special!

If our eyes are the windows into our soul, then our hands tell the story of our age. Oftentimes, we take great care of our face, but it is our neck, chest, and hands that give our true age away. Over time, hands can become speckled with brown pigmentation including sun spots, veins become more prominent, and our tendons on the back of our hands more visible. Alas, there is much we can do to


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