Vanquish radiofrequency fat reduction: Beat the Belly Bulge without pain or downtime!

Vanquish Radiofrequency Fat Reduction San Diego

Art of Skin MD is delighted to announce it is the first dermatology practice in San Diego to offer Vanquish. Vanquish is the newest revolution in non-surgical fat removal. It uses radiofrequency to gently heat the targeted area of unwanted fat and decrease waist circumference after a series of treatments.

Click below to watch Art of Skin MD featuring myself (Dr. Melanie Palm) discuss the revolution in nonsurgical fat removal with Vanquish on San Diego Fox 5:

Vanquish is easy and PAINLESS. A treatment series typically involves 4-6 weekly sessions. Each session lasts 30 minutes, and there is absolutely no discomfort. The treatment feels like a heating pad or blanket has been treated over the entire abdomen. Most patients relax and watch a movie or take a nap during treatment.

Vanquish Radiofrequency Fat Reduction San Diego
Vanquish radio frequency nonsurgical, no downtime, no pain fat reduction therapy

After Vanquish treatment, there is NO DOWNTIME. The area of treatment feels warm to the touch and the skin may appear slightly pink for a period of minutes to an hour or two. Unlike other nonsurgical fat reduction therapies, Vanquish does not hurt during administration, and there is no need for pain medication following treatment.

Vanquish is currently FDA-approved for deep tissue heating and final studies are pending for approval for fat reduction. According to European studies, an average person lost 2.23 inches off their waist circcumference after four weekly treatments.

The Vanquish offers the largest surface area of treatment out of any fat reduction technology currently on the market. The large platform with adjustable wings on Vanquish can comfortably treat the majority of an average abdomen as well as the flanks (sides of the waist). Other areas beyond the “spare tire” and the “bulge of the belly” can be treated. When used to treat the back of the waist and hips, Vanquish can address the “muffin top” above the waist of your favorite jeans. Other areas that we have addressed in patients using the Vanquish includes the bra line and upper back fat as well as the outer thighs. It is likely that with time other applications for Vanquish in smaller areas will be available such as for the upper arms and inner thighs.

Here are some before and after photos from the International BTL Vanquish site:

Vanquish Radiofrequency Fat Reduction San Diego
Vanquish treatment of male abdomen after 4 weekly treatments

Vanquish Radiofrequency Fat Reduction San Diego
Side view of female abdomen treated by Vanquish

Vanquish Radiofrequency Fat Reduction San Diego
Female abdomen after treatment with Vanquish

A good candidate for Vanquish is close to their ideal weight but has unwanted areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. Vanquish auto-tunes itself to deliver more energy in areas of abundant fat, and less energy where there isn’t as much to lose. That way, even fat loss in the areas treated is ensured.

Currently, Art of Skin MD is running a promotion through the end of October 2013 on Vanquish. Call the Staff at Art of Skin MD at 858.792.7546 to find out how to save $1200 on your treatment. Contact us through the Art of Skin MD website today!

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