Dr. Palm Dishes on Dysport and Natural-Looking Results

Dysport (abobotulinum toxin A) is one of the newer “kids on the block” in terms of neuromodulators–a class of medications that relax overactive muscle movement. Available in other countries for many years, Dysport is a newer addition to American dermatologists seeking to tame stubborn wrinkles on the forehead, between the brows and around the eyes.

Curious what proper injection technique of Dysport looks like? See how Dr. Palm performs nearly painless injections through the short YouTube video below:

The key to natural looking results following Dysport or Botox Cosmetic injections is restraint. After treatment with Dysport, a person should have relaxed facial expression–not frozen and devoid of all of those facial expressions and characteristics that communicate to others how you feel.

According to FDA-approval, Dysport is approved for up to 4 months of duration. Additionally, some feel that it may “kick in” a day or so sooner than Botox. Both products are quite similar and the choice of which product to use is up to the discretion of the patient and physician.

Got questions? Did we pique your interest in Dysport? Call us at (858) 792-SKIN (7546) or contact us through the Art of Skin MD website.

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