Fight the Flab: Laser Lipo to Rescue those Arms

Toned, fit, and sleek arms are what is always in. But if you have been slaving away at the gym and eating salads day in and day out and those pesky upper arms don’t seem to want to acquiesce to your fitness and meal routine…perhaps it is time to consider tumescent liposuction.

Here is a quick couple of videos demonstrating both laser liposuction using the Lutronic Accusculpt system as well as subsequent liposuction of the arms:



Surgery may sound scary but at Art of Skin MD we take every measure to make patients comfortable, from the initial consultation, to the pre-operative visit, the procedure itself, and all of the follow-up visits. Across the board, patients who have undergone liposuction with myself (Dr. Melanie Palm) have expressed how pleased they are with the outcome, how much they regret not having liposuction sooner, and how easy it was to get back to their busy lives.

Liposculpture at Art of Skin MD is performed by a board-certified dermatologist and fellowship-trained cosmetic surgeon at Art of Skin MD. Patients receive a thorough consultation and examination before a treatment plan is developed, if liposuction is deemed the appropriate treatment. During the procedure, every opportunity is made to make patients comfortable. Music of your selection is piped into the open and spacious procedure room, and a pain-free experience is delivered through the use of tumescent anesthesia – dilute amounts of numbing that is placed in the areas of treatment. This also ensures superior pain-control after the treatment and a quick recovery. Absolutely no general anesthesia is required – thus tumescent liposculpture is an extremely safe treatment with an outstanding safety profile compared to going “under” for larger procedures. In fact, there has NEVER been a patient fatality with a dermatologist performing liposuction using the purely tumescent anesthesia technique.

Laser liposuction using the Accusculpt is sometimes added to a procedure. The laser is used to ease fat removal in certain areas. The specific wavelength of the laser (1444 nm) is very specific to fat and helps to emulsify unwanted areas of fat. Laser liposuction is extremely helpful in areas needing skin tightening. Areas of skin laxity under the neck, on the abdomen, or around the arms respond nicely to the tissue tightening capabilities of Accusculpt.

Long-term results following laser liposuction or traditional liposuction take time to mature. Typically, a final result is not reached for 3-6 months. In other words, the outcome keeps on improving for several months following the procedure.

Patients do extremely well after liposuction or laser liposuction. Most patients are back to daily activities within a few days and back to exercise within a week. The soreness in the day following the procedure is roughly equal to the muscle soreness experienced following an intense workout. None of my patients have required more pain relief than what is afforded by extra strength Tylenol. In fact, a couple of recent moms undergoing treatment have sprung back to their life very quickly. One mother (unknown to me) attended a PTA meeting the day of her procedure and attended a field trip for her child the next day! Amazing.

Still have questions or curiosity about the procedures described? Call us at Art of Skin MD at 858.792.7546 or contact us through the Art of Skin MD webpage. We look forward to hearing from you.

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