Liposculpture Seminar with Dr. Palm: Shape Up for Summer

All are welcome to the Art of Skin MD special seminar Thursday, April 11th on the latest in body and facial contouring. I’m (Dr. Melanie Palm) am pleased to discuss the latest in innovative techniques to address unwanted areas of fat and body imperfections.

Here are the Liposculpture Event details at Art of Skin MD:

Thursday, April 11th from 6 to 8 pm (doors open at 5:30 pm)

Light appetizers and drinks will be served

Attendees will learn the latest techniques in minimally invasive liposculpture and laser liposuction using the Accusculpt system. Liposculpture is performed completely painlessly by the use of tumescent anesthesia and fine sculpting cannulas. Patients recover quickly from the procedure and there is no need for general anesthesia when using the tumescent technique to numb the areas of liposuction treatment.

Accusculpt laser liposuction system is a 1444 nm laser device used specifically to target unwanted areas of fat and for skin contraction. Specifically, Dr. Palm uses it for facial sculpting, especially for stubborn jowls and along the jawline and neck. On the body, the Accusculpt system is helpful in producing skin tightening to the upper arms and lower abdomen. Accusculpt is performed, in many cases, just prior to traditional tumescent liposuction to enhance the tightening effect following liposuction.

What are areas that can be treated by liposculpture? The answer is many… the inner and outer thighs, abdomen, saddle bags, hips, tummy bulge (abdomen), waist, arms, back, chest, and double chin can all be improved through liposuction.

So what can be done with the extracted fat? FAT TRANSFER! Why not use your own natural “filler” to rejuvenate the face, filling in areas of lost volume such as the temples, nasolabial folds, undereye hollows, and jawline.

At the seminar, I will discuss the procedure from start to finish, and multiple before and after lipo photos of Dr. Palm’s own patients will be shown.

Attendance will be restricted to a small group so please RSVP early to attend. Contact us at Art of Skin MD or call us at 858.792.SKIN (7546) to reserve your place today.

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