Pumpkin Peel & ResurFX for Holiday Skin

Thanksgiving is almost upon us and that means everything holiday including everything PUMPKIN!!!  Pumpkin lattes, candles, and pies scent the air, so why not enjoy this yummy scent with a fabulous facial peel ripe for the fall season?  Read on to understand the benefits of our new pumpkin peel…

Pumpkin is an excellent source of many good nutrients for the skin.  As an excellent source of vitamin A, pumpkin helps with overall skin health.  Vitamin A is critical to the building blocks of skin cells, and it helps turn over skin cells appropriately.  Pumpkin is a great storing house of vitamin C as well.   Known under the scientific name ascorbic acid, vitamin C plays several important roles for the skin.  Vitamin C is an antioxidant that reduces free oxidative damage to skin cells during UV exposure.  Additionally, ascorbic acid is a co-factor to collagen production, thus playing a critical role in the structural integrity of the skin. Lastly, vitamin C is a brightening agent, reducing sallowness of the skin and fading age spots and brown discoloration such as melasma.


Pumpkin also contains enzymes that help to remove dull skin by breaking up the cement-like adhesions that retain dead skin cells to the more vibrant ones underneath.   Our peel at Art of Skin MD is also boosted by the power of glycolic acid.  Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid, a fruit sugar that helps get skin glowing by reducing unwanted pigmentation, boosting collagen growth, and exfoliating the skin.  It is even safe to use during pregnancy!

Check out the YouTube video below to see the benefits of our Art of Skin MD pumpkin peel in action:

The CW6 San Diego XETV clip also features the use of the M22 laser device platform from Lumenis.  This device consists of an IPL device as well as several laser devices including the infrared ResurFX laser.  An IPL or Intensed Pulsed Light is sometimes referred to as a photofacial.  It is most effective at improving red discoloration, broken blood vessels or telangiectasis, age spots and brown discoloration.

The ResurFX laser is often combined with the IPL procedure to improve texture as well as skin tone.  ResurFX is a 1565 nm infrared laser that is used for minimal downtime laser skin resurfacing.  The procedure is quick and easy, with a full face taking a little over 10 minutes to treat.  With topical numbing medication applied beforehand, the procedure is a breeze.  Ask me about my experience, I’ve had IPL-ResurFX photofractional treatment three times myself and use it as a part of my skin care routine.  ResurFX creates heat energy from the infrared laser that stimulates the skin to build collagen in the area of treatment.  Although the face is most commonly treated, the neck, chest, and hands are frequently treated.  In addition to textural improvement, ResurFX is helpful for treating acne scarring, fine lines, and even blending surgical scars.

For more information on the aesthetician and clinical services offered at Art of Skin MD in San Diego, contact our world-class staff at 858.792.7546.

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