Sunscreens and Photoprotection

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At-home Skincare, Facials, Devices during COVID-19

SKINCARE AT HOME WITH DR. MELANIE PALM: I have had an influx of media requests of late regarding skincare.  Many of us are experiencing a different rhythm of life, with more time at home.  We are tidying up, taking account of things, and wishing for months to come.  Skincare is no exception in these thoughts.  Many of us are rifling through our medicine cabinets and bathroom drawers, taking stock of skincare – recent purchases and


Reducing the Risk of Skin Cancer in Winter and Spring

A new study has showed that skin cancer is on the rise in the U.S., especially during the winter and spring. Recently I appeared on KUSI’s Good Morning San Diego to discuss moles, melanoma and early detection and how we can protect our skin and reduce the risks of skin cancer Click to more about photodyanamic therapy, and see before and afters here. While summer is still a few months away, when it comes to


Sun Protection & Sun Damage Correction – Expert Tips

Living in Southern California, we all tend to spend our fair share of time outdoors – our team at Art of Skin MD included. Hiking, biking, swimming, beach time – it’s part of why we live in such a beautiful place that feels like summer most of the year! With that in mind, it is SO important to be sure we protect our skin from the sun while we are out enjoying this amazing place


Sunscreen Breakdown – What You Need To Know

What’s in your sunscreen is just as important, if not more important as its SPF number. When deciding which sunscreen to purchase, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the multitude of choices out there. This is why Dr. Palm talked recently with to discuss the differences between the two main “groups” of sunscreens and why one is very much superior to the other. The active ingredients in sunscreens are what separate the good from the not-so-good – and


Indoor Tanning ban proposed for minors by FDA

On December 18, 2015 the FDA announced a Proposed Rule to help protect consumers against indoor tanning exposure.  Currently, 42 states have already enacted laws regarding indoor tanning bans, restrictions and consumer education regarding UV exposure from tanning beds, and the federal government is finally following suit.  The FDA has not addressed a ruling regarding on indoor tanning bed usage since 1985. The FDA Proposed Rule on indoor tanning would address two major areas: 1.


Do It Yourself (DIY) Tips – Home Remedy Sunburn Relief

Sunny days in San Diego, California mean ample exposure with the sun.  Unfortunately, prolonged exposure, or lack of good sunscreens, can cause a nasty sunburn.  When you get a sunburn, your skin turns red and hurts. If the burn is severe, you can develop swelling and sunburn You may even feel like you have the flu — feverish, with chills, nausea, headache, and weakness. A few days later, your skin will start peeling and itching as your body tries to rid


Sun Safe Skin Tips for Del Mar Races & Opening Day

Opening day is this week and Art of Skin MD wants to give you tips to keep your skin safe where the surf meets the turf! The forecast calls for lots of sunshine and warm weather, which means sun safety is even more important amongst the dazzle of sundresses and fascinators. Here are the Dr. Melanie Palm top tips for keeping it cool during Race Season 1. Slather on Sunscreen. New FDA guidelines were released


Sunburn Prevention & Treatment: Think Red Light and Ferns

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, approximately 42 percent of us experience a sunburn at least once a year. That is an astounding statistic! We know that a history of severe sunburns is a risk factor for melanoma, and ultraviolet light exposure is strongly related to the development of other skin cancers including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Check out the videos below featuring me (Dr. Melanie Palm) addressing sunburn treatment and prevention


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