Ultherapy Review: PAINLESS ultrasound treatment for a new toned neck and face

Having completed Ultherapy on six patients this past week alone, I am pleased to say how comfortable patients undergoing skin tightening treatment with myself (Dr. Melanie Palm). Using local nerve blocks on the neck, lower face, and around the brow area, Ulthera can be completed in about an hour in complete comfort.

Skin tightening occurs gradually over a several month period following treatment. The treatment itself feels like tingling and slight warmth. The patient experience during Ultherapy is entirely dependent on how the physician prepares he/she for treatment and we at Art of Skin MD are proud to say that treatment is completed with Dr. Palm WITHOUT SEDATES and using only LOCAL NUMBING.

Check out Ultherapy and a brief explanation with Dr. Palm through our YouTube video:

Questions about Ultherapy? See our Before and After Ultherapy gallery. Schedule a consultation by contacting Art of Skin MD online or call us at (858) 792-7546 (SKIN).

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