Vanquish fat removal love handles, San Diego

Vanquish has a new improved platform called Vanquish ME, allowing for more effective radio frequency treatment of fat in the tummy and love handle region.  That spare tire around the abdomen and flanks can be effectively treated with no pain, no downtime, and no contact with Vanquish ME.

San Diego Living CW6 featured me (Dr. Palm) and Art of Skin MD as the practice for expertise in Vanquish ME.  Watch the clip below!

Vanquish fat removal utilizes the power of radiofrequency to gently heat and target specifically the fat layer, leaving the overlying tissues and underlying muscle layer untouched.  When fat is gently heated by Vanquish, a certain percentage of the fat cells are unable to survive and undergo programmed cell death, a procedure termed “apoptosis.”

Over 4 weekly, 45 minute sessions, Vanquish eliminates approximately 1.5 to 2 inches off the average patient according to published medical articles.  Art of Skin MD was one of two sites to conduct a U.S. study on the effects of Vanquish in the midsection area during an extended treatment protocol (45 minutes).  Published in the September 2015 issue of the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, our study found American patients lost an average of 2.4 cm off their waistline following Vanquish treatment.

Treatment is easy and without discomfort.  It is important to be hydrated prior to treatment to ensure that Vanquish can most efficiently penetrate the fat layer (hydrated tissues allow this).  Vanquish treatment feels like a warm blanket and should not hurt.  The treatment area may be slightly warm to touch and pink for a few minutes to a few hours following treatment.

Vanquish treatments can enhance results already achieved by liposuction or be combined with skin tightening and noninvasive body contouring devices such as CoolSculpting or Exilis.

For more information on Vanquish treatment for noninvasive fat reduction, contact Art of Skin MD at 858.792.7546.

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