Vein Treatment

Eliminate Leg Veins with Sclerotherapy by Dr. Melanie Palm

Summer is nearly upon us and it is time to whip those “stems” into shape. Got broken blood vessels or unsightly leg veins just begging to be treated? We have got the answer….sclerotherapy! In a few short sessions broken blood vessels and even some varicose veins can be dramatically improved with treatment. Here is a short YouTube video demonstrating the ease and lack of pain involved with a simple sclerotherapy session performed in my hands


Lovely Legs: Eliminate Spider Veins with Sclerotherapy by Dr. Melanie Palm

Spring weather is just around the corner and it is time to think about revealing long, lean, vein-free legs. How to banish those pesky spider veins called telangiectasias? The answer is easy and pain-free: sclerotherapy using foamed Asclera. Sclerotherapy is the gold standard of treatment in eliminating unwanted leg veins. It can be used to clear unsightly small veins called telangiectasias, larger blue-green veins called “reticular veins,” or even bulging blue veins called varicose veins.


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