Cellfina buttocks and thigh cellulite treatment San Diego at Art of Skin

Art of Skin MD is proud to unveil Cellfina, the newest FDA-cleared device for treatment of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs.  Unlike other devices on the market, Cellfina offers long lasting results of at least 2 years, and likely longer.

We were proud to unveil this technology as a “2016 what to watch for” for cosmetic surgery innovations debuting this year. See me, Dr. Melanie Palm, discuss this effective treatment for dimpling cellulite in addition to other innovations such as Kybella (for fat of the double chin) and super silky lip filler Restylane Silk.  You can even see my expert injectable hands at work with a photo of the Restylane Lyft model that I injected and is featured in national ads in print media.  Check out the San Diego XETV CW6 clip below with news anchor Brooke Landau:

Now back to Cellfina and that unfortunate and dreaded word, cellulite.  Cellfina treatment is unique in that it tackles the physical cause of cellulite – fibrous connective tissue attachments that tether the skin’s surface to deep layers of fat, causing the characteristic cratered, depressed, and uneven texture characteristic of cellulite.

See how Cellfina works below:

Cellfina is a straightforward procedure that is performed by me, Dr. Melanie Palm, here in the office at Art of Skin MD.  The procedure consists of two stages:  1.  Numbing with local anesthesia called lidocaine, and 2.  tissue release of the fibrous connective tissue adhesions.

Cellfina treatment is tailored to the patient as is the price.  At our clinic, price is based off the number of cellulite dimples that can be treated.  I counsel patients to expect some bruising and swelling after the procedure.  Soreness is typically mild, with a return to activities within several days to two weeks.  Results following treatment can be seen as early as three days following the procedure.  See the results at just 1 month following treatment of the right buttocks in the photo from my own patient below:

Cellulite Treatment San Diego -Cellfina Buttocks and Thigh
Cellulite of buttocks treatment with Cellfina by Dr. Palm

If you want to see the procedure start to finish with this patient, check out my YouTube four part series on the procedure below including the following:

  1.  Marking the patient
  2. Numbing the patient
  3. Treatment of cellulite on buttocks
  4. Treatment of cellulite on thighs

For more information on Cellfina and to book a consultation for treatment of uneven skin texture of the buttocks and thighs, contact the highly qualified staff of Art of Skin MD at 858.792.7546.

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