Cellfina: Right candidate for treating cellulite

This month, I am featured in InStyle Magazine talking about the new Cellfina Treatment to get rid of cellulite. We are very excited to be one of a few practices in the local area to offer Cellfina! The Cellfina System is the only FDA-cleared minimally invasive procedure that has been clincally proven to improve the appearance of cellulite for at least two years. This treatment specifically targets stubborn, discrete dimple-like cellulite. The results are superb and quite visible, even as soon as at a three-day follow up.

Ideal candidates for the Cellfina System treatment are:

  • Reasonably Fit
  • At a stable weight
  • Have dimple-like cellulite
  • Have good skin tone (too lax of skin won’t yield ideal results)

Cellfina is completed in the office as a single, one-time procedure completely under local anesthetic.  There is minimal downtime and patients are only asked to wear a light compression garment like Spanx or workout pants for several days after the procedure.  To see the procedure in action, check out the YouTube videos below where Dr. Palm demonstrates marking, numbing, and treatment of the cellulite on a real patient!

Cellfina does not treat patients who have a more subtle, wavy-texture cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. This type of cellulite is more attributed to skin laxity and can be treated with skin-tightening modalities – which we also offer and have great success with. In addition, the banana roll area is not treatable with Cellfina.

There is some downtime, due to bruising and patients who bruise easily should be cautioned that this can sometimes be slow in resolving. Avoiding anti-platelet medications and using topical remedies can help with this. We have a list that we provide patients of medications, foods and other things to avoid to help prevent bruising.

Interested in learning more about tackling dimples of cellulite with Cellfina?  Call us to schedule a consultation for more information at 858-792-7546.

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