Common Skin Care Mistakes

I was recently on San Diego CW6 in the Morning discussing and dispelling Skin Care myths. There are many things that we do on a routine basis that are not good for our skin, and in some cases detrimental.

Click below to see our feature TV segment. A detailed discussion follows below. Treat your skin with TLC!

1. Tanning myths: A base tan is safe and there is no need for sunscreen during winter months/cloudy days. FALSE!!There is no such thing as a “base tan” nor does it better protect the skin

A. Tanned skin is a signal that skin is damaged and trying to protect its genetic material.

B. A recent Australian study (Annals of Internal Medicine) over 15 years duration demonstrated that regular sunscreen use has anti-aging effects

C. During cloudy days you can still get 80% of the UV exposure on a sunny day

D. Winter months – individuals should still maintain sun safe practices, especially in year round temperate climates like San Diego

Elta MD sunscreen offers cosmetically elegant formulations of micronized zinc oxide preparations

2. Expensive department store creams are superior skin care products – FALSE!!

A. $400 department store luxury creams are not better than other products

B. Look for active ingredients – this is most important

C. Retinols (vitamin A derivatives), alpha-hydroxy acids, vitamin C, green tea, growth factors and polypeptides are all great ingredients

D. Higher active concentrations are often found in cosmeceutical lines – lines dispensed exclusively through physician offices – these products often yield superior results to over the counter or department store brands

Common Skin Care Mistakes -Skin Care Routine San Diego
Neocutis line of skin products harnesses the collagen-repairing properties of growth factors

3. Exfoliating beads are needed in order to get skin cleanExfoliating beads or particles in exfoliators are harsh on skin

A. Sensitive and acne prone skin can be damaged, and new broken blood vessels may result from trauma

B. A better solution is chemical exfoliation through alpha-hydroxy acids that gently break down and remove dead skin cells

4. Vitamin E is helpful in skin healing and scars

A. A study in the Dermatologic Surgery literature demonstrated that vitamin E did not provide any improved healing of scars compared to a placebo

B. Vitamin E can cause a contact dermatitis (allergic reaction) to compromised skin

C. Burns, abrasions, and early scars including stretch marks are better served by Biafine cream and silicone gel sheeting

D. Lasers and light technology such as IPL and fractionated resurfacing can be used to improve scar appearance and encourage collagen growth

5. Laser procedures are safe on all skin types

A. Not all skin and not all lasers are created equal

B. Lasers and light technology best handled by a board-certified dermatologist with training in laser technology

C. For example, darker skin types should be treated with lasers with longer wavelengths so they do not suffer from discoloration (increased or decreased color of the skin), burns, or scars

Common Skin Care Mistakes -Skin Care Routine San Diego

For more information or skin care tips from the Skin Care experts of Art of Skin MD, contact us through our Art of Skin MD webpage or call us at 858.792.7546.

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