Fast and the Furious: Laser Tattoo Removal Made Simple with Dr. Melanie Palm at Art of Skin MD

Tired of that older tattoo from days past? The old flower or dolphin or initials, or heart or star has lost its glimmer or meaning? Are you ready to rid that tattoo? If your answer is yes, consider laser tattoo removal at Art of Skin MD.

At Art of Skin MD, Dr. Melanie Palm uses the latest technology to remove professional and traumatic tattoos. Most colored tattoos can be removed with our Q-switched laser, the Lutronic Spectra Laser. The Spectra laser features multiple wavelengths (four) to treat nearly all colors found in professional tattoos.

Comfort is extremely important for our patients during tattoo removal. We seek to make the experience pain-free. Watch Dr. Palm treat a tattoo in seconds on our YouTube channel:

Ask our qualified staff at Art of Skin MD about tattoo removal today. Contact us through the Art of Skin MD website or by calling (858) 792-SKIN (7546).

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