San Diego Laser Expert Dr. Melanie Palm on Melasma and Laser Hair Removal

I just arrived back from Miami for our national meeting called the American Academy of Dermatology. It was full of the latest and greatest on all the advances in Medical Dermatology, cosmetics procedures, and advances in laser technology.

At the AAD, I had the privilege of lecturing several times on a variety of laser techniques. See the photos below on the packed audiences that attended the laser lectures.

Dr. Melanie Palm breaking down melasma at the AAD exhibition hall.

One of the most exciting and well-received information that I presented was on the treatment of melasma. Melasma is a vexing problem for many women, especially in warm sunny climates. Melasma is a pigmentary disorder that is caused by a combination of a hormonal source of estrogen and sun or UV exposure. These triggers cause our pigment producing cells called melanocytes to overact, producing patchy areas of hyperpigmentation or brown spots. Below is a before and after of a melasma patient after Spectra laser treatment.

Melasma patient before and after treatment with the Lutronic Spectra laser.

Another series of well-attended lectures for which I was invited to speak was on effective laser hair removal. I addressed the ease and comfort of laser hair removal using the Lutronic Advantage – it can treat an entire male back in 7 minutes!

Check out our Fuzz-Free Fridays specials on laser hair removal. Have questions? Call us at Art of Skin MD at (858) 792-SKIN (7546) or through the Art of Skin MD Contact Page.

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