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Dr. Melanie Palm

INFINI Radiofrequency Micro Needling Unveiled First in U.S. at Art of Skin MD

Art of Skin MD proudly announces it is the first U.S. physician office to treat patients with INFINI – a truly innovative radiofrequency device for skin tightening and fine wrinkles. INFINI received FDA clearance just two weeks ago, and this technology combines the collagen-inducing power of micro needling with a novel multidimensional radiofrequency (RF) platform. The result is a minimal downtime procedure that produces tissue tightening and wrinkle improvement. How does the INFINI technology work?


Sun Safe Skin Tips for Del Mar Races & Opening Day

Opening day is this week and Art of Skin MD wants to give you tips to keep your skin safe where the surf meets the turf! The forecast calls for lots of sunshine and warm weather, which means sun safety is even more important amongst the dazzle of sundresses and fascinators. Here are the Dr. Melanie Palm top tips for keeping it cool during Race Season 1. Slather on Sunscreen. New FDA guidelines were released


Sunburn Prevention & Treatment: Think Red Light and Ferns

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, approximately 42 percent of us experience a sunburn at least once a year. That is an astounding statistic! We know that a history of severe sunburns is a risk factor for melanoma, and ultraviolet light exposure is strongly related to the development of other skin cancers including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Check out the videos below featuring me (Dr. Melanie Palm) addressing sunburn treatment and prevention


Fight the Flab: Laser Lipo to Rescue those Arms

Toned, fit, and sleek arms are what is always in. But if you have been slaving away at the gym and eating salads day in and day out and those pesky upper arms don’t seem to want to acquiesce to your fitness and meal routine…perhaps it is time to consider tumescent liposuction. Here is a quick couple of videos demonstrating both laser liposuction using the Lutronic Accusculpt system as well as subsequent liposuction of the


Total Facial Rejuvenation with Sculptra and Ultherapy

So much is the trend in cosmetic dermatology for subtle, natural-appearing true facial rejuvenation. The importance of balanced facial volume restoration is now recognized due to a wealth of anatomical studies published in the medical literature in the last 10 years. Skin integrity changes over time as our facial volume deflates. This sagging and deflation can be addressed. The new paradigm in dermatology and plastic surgery is restoration of youthful volume and facial contours. Addressing


Dudesport and Brotox: Dysport and Botox for Men!

Father’s Day is right around the corner and you may be wondering what in the world to get that special guy in your life. Well, if he has made a subtle mention of getting older, perhaps it is time to call in the troops at Art of Skin MD. If the furrows between the brows need to be tamed, or the horizontal forehead lines are getting worse, or the wrinkles next to the eyes are


Sculptra: Rebuild Lost Collagen, Lift Tissues, Fill the Face!

Sculptra is something I have thought a lot about lately. Right now I am in the process of writing a book chapter on this facial revolumizing agent. Pouring over the literature I feel like I am bursting at the seams to share some of the insights about our use of Sculptra over the past decade. Inspired by this knowledge, here are three short video vignettes highlighting the use of Sculptra in the upper face (temples


SolSearch Fundraiser & Free Skin Cancer Screenings by Dr. Melanie Palm at Art of Skin MD

The Art of Skin MD family is gearing up for our big annual fundraising event, SolSearch! This is our third consecutive year of bringing awareness and raising funds for skin cancer research through the Skin Cancer Foundation. Here I am (Dr. Melanie Palm) speaking with UT-TV news anchor Taylor Baldwin about the event: Here is a brief run-down of the exciting SolSearch 2013 event: Date: Saturday, May 18th, 2013 Location: Beachwalk Complex, Solana Beach Events:


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