Winter Skin Tips with Dr. Palm: Lasers, Topicals and More!

Holiday season heralds a flurry of parties, imbibing, decadent food, and cooler whether that can wreak havoc on the skin. As Dr. Palm explains this morning on CW6 San Diego, there are both office-based procedures and at-home tips that can keep your skin glowing and dewy well through the New Year.

Click on the photo to see the whole broadcast on Dr. Palm, representing Art of Skin MD with the revolutionary Lutronic Spectra laser:

Decreased temps and humidity levels with fall and winter months can lead to telltale signs of skin irritation including dryness, cracking, and even eczema. Hands, arms, and the face are common affected areas and the skin may appear to lack luster and feel tight.

Here are some great tips for beautifying the skin during the holiday season:

Getting that winter glow:

1. Office-based procedures can also improve the skin’s appearance. Laser toning using the Lutronic Spectra laser is FDA-approved for the treatment of skin pigmentation such as melasma as well as for skin texture improvement including acne scarring. Patients have remarked to me that they notice a glow to their skin as well as pore size minimization following a series of treatment.

2. Keep moving and stay hydrated

Cardiovascular activity boosts circulation to the skin ensuring nutrients are delivered and toxins removed. This is especially essential after holiday festivities involving alcoholic beverages.

3. Calm redness.

Products such as Avene water and anti-Rougeur cleanser and moisturizer calm dilated blood vessels. Products containing green tea can have the same effect.

4. Tighten up.

Microcurrent device NuFace provides a visible lift to facial skin for up to 72 hours and is a perfect boost pre-holiday party. NuFace is FDA cleared for at home use in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating and toning facial muscle

In-office procedures can produce more dramatic results over time. This includes the no-downtime, nonsurgical facelift using Ultherapy, the only FDA-approved device for skin tightening of the lower face, neck, and brows

5. Get Lit!

Winter is a good time to consider no downtime procedures from your dermatologist. We are often least tan during this time and it is ideal for no-downtime rejuvenating treatments including IPL. This broad-band light based treatment takes about 15 minutes to perform and works on brown sun spots and broken blood vessels. The hands, face, neck and chest yield phenomenal results.

6. Eliminate lusterless skin by removing excess dead skin cells.

Mild exfoliation with products like alpha hydroxyacids (glycolic and lactic acid) or Sakura silk lift dead skin cells to improve glow. The Clarisonic Brush uses sonicating energy with more than 300 movements per second removes 6x makeup and 2x dirt of regular washing. Use for 60 seconds. Great for sensitive and acne prone skin.

Got questions? Call the highly qualified staff at Art of Skin MD at (858) 792-SKIN (7546) or contact us through the Art of Skin MD webpage.

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