Fat Removal

art of skin md body boot camp savings

Art of Skin MD’s Body Boot Camp 2024 Event is Here!

The Premiere Noninvasive Body Contouring Event in San Diego: Join Us! Back by popular demand, the Art of Skin MD Virtual Body Boot Camp is back so we can get the best beach bodies yet for summer 2024. Enjoy giveaways, learn new technologies, and capture the savings with our event hosted virtually March 18-29, 2024. Simply call our clinic at 858.792.7546 to secure purchase of your body package. Art of Skin MD is offering the

art of skin md san diego dermatology special offer event

Art of Skin MD’s Body Boot Camp 2023 is Here!

The Premiere Noninvasive Body Contouring Event in San Diego: Join Us! Back by popular demand, the Art of Skin MD Virtual Body Boot Camp is back so we can get the best beach bodies yet for summer 2023  Enjoy giveaways, learn new technologies, and capture the savings with our event hosted virtually April 3-14, 2023. Simply call our clinic at 858.792.7546 to secure purchase of your body package. Art of Skin MD is offering the

art of skin md march body sculpting event

Art of Skin MD’s Body Boot Camp 2022 is Here!

The Premiere Noninvasive Body Contouring Event in San Diego: Join Us! Back by popular demand, the Art of Skin MD Virtual Body Boot Camp is back so we can get the best beach bodies yet for summer 2022!  Enjoy giveaways, learn new technologies, and capture the savings with our event hosted virtually March 4-15, 2022. Simply call our clinic at 858.792.7546 to secure purchase of your body package. Art of Skin MD is offering the


Cellulite: Causes and New & Combined Treatment Options

Cellulite:  Why it Happens and What Causes it? Cellulite is a frequently-used term that often refers to a group of skin irregularity conditions that range from skin laxity, orange peel appearance, cottage cheese irregularities, and even dimple-like lesions.  Let’s explore more to discover what is cellulite, what are the underlying causes, and how we can best treat it! What is Cellulite? Cellulite affects somewhere between 85-95% of women following puberty.  It is best described as

art of skin md march body sculpting event

Art of Skin MD Virtual Body Boot Camp is Here!

Virtual Event for Noninvasive Body Contouring in San Diego: Join Us! Back by popular demand, the Art of Skin MD body event is re-imagined and virtual this year, so we can get the best beach bodies yet for summer 2021!  Enjoy giveaways, learn new technologies, and capture the savings with our event hosted virtually March 8-12, 2021.   Simply call our clinic at 858.792.7546 to secure purchase of your body package. Art of Skin MD is


Get Beach Body Ready with AOSMD

This is the first of a two-part series all about body contouring, broken down into minimally-invasive and non-invasive treatment options. This piece focuses solely on minimally-invasive body contouring options at Art of Skin MD. A healthy lifestyle, exercise and good dietary choices are staples that we all know can help our bodies achieve and maintain close to the silhouette we desire, but sometimes there are stubborn areas or things about our bodies that need a


Eliminating Double Chin Fat with Kybella

There are a few areas where the body can store fat that are difficult to get rid of with healthy diets and workouts alone – and the submentum, or area under the chin, is definitely one of those areas. Luckily, there is Kybella! Check out our deal that we are offering for Kybella this month in celebration of all of the success we have had so far with patients and eliminating the dreaded “double chin.”


Cellfina buttocks and thigh cellulite treatment San Diego at Art of Skin

Art of Skin MD is proud to unveil Cellfina, the newest FDA-cleared device for treatment of cellulite on the buttocks and thighs.  Unlike other devices on the market, Cellfina offers long lasting results of at least 2 years, and likely longer. We were proud to unveil this technology as a “2016 what to watch for” for cosmetic surgery innovations debuting this year. See me, Dr. Melanie Palm, discuss this effective treatment for dimpling cellulite in


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