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Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Before & After Photos

Laser Hair Removal for Upper Lip, Underarms, Chin, Neck, Beard Area, Chest, Back, Bikini, and Legs

Laser Hair Removal
Treatment to the full back in male

Laser hair removal offers long-lasting results for unwanted hair over the face and body. Frequently treated areas of laser hair reduction include the upper lip, underarms (armpit), chin, neck, beard area, chest, back, bikini area, and legs. Even hair along the ears, “happy trail” along the abdomen, or neck are suitable for laser hair reduction.

At Art of Skin MD, our staff goes to great lengths to ensure safety, comfort and fast treatment for our patients. Using our state of the art diode laser Lutronic Advantage, treatment is quick and easy – an entire back can be treated in under 10 minutes. For ease during treatment, we offer special patient comforts such as topical numbing and forced air cooling simultaneous with laser treatment.

Laser hair removal is best completed on untanned skin that has not been plucked, waxed, or threaded. Heat generated from the laser removal destroys hair follicles and reduces the ability of hair stem cells in the treated area to regenerate. Laser hair removal is completed as a series of treatments and occasionally requires periodic touch up treatments for best results.

For more information about laser hair removal in the San Diego area, call Dr. Melanie Palm at 858.792.SKIN (7546) to schedule an appointment to discuss your treatment options.

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