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Double Chin Treatment Before & After Photos

Double Chin Treatment Before & After Photos

Excess Fat, Non Surgical Procedures to Eliminate a Double Chin and Minimally Invasive In Office Surgery

Excess fat underneath the chin extending to the neck area is often referred to as a double chin. This is often a strongly inherited trait, and it can blunt the beautiful features of a sculpted jawline and neck. Furthermore, a double chin often can prematurely age a younger face. Treatment to remove excess fat of the chin and neck can dramatically improve the appearance of the face and neck. Removal of chin fat can be treated non-surgically or through a minimally-invasive in-office surgery.

Kybella (deoxycholic acid) is an FDA-approved injectable that dissolves and permanently removes fat in the chin area. Kybella can also be used off-label to treat small areas of fat such as the jowls. Kybella can be used to treat small or large areas of double chin fat. A series of treatments, usually spaced about 2 months apart, is required in the majority of patients to achieve a dramatic result. Dr. Palm was a clinical investigator for Kybella and has treated a large number of patients with this nonsurgical technique.

CoolSculpting freezes fat through a process called cryolipolysis, causing some fat cells to be permanently destroyed. This leads to permanent elimination of fat on many areas of body including the neck and double chin. The procedure is performed in-office without the need for numbing or significant downtime.

Liposculpture, with or without laser liposuction (Accusculpt), is a minimally invasive surgical approach to permanently remove fat underneath the chin and in the neck area. Liposculpture is liposuction performed under local anesthesia with extremely delicate and small tools called microcannulas. Results are permanent and dramatic and downtime is surprisingly mild and quick.

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