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Liposculpture Before & After Photos

Double Chin Treatment: Liposculpture Before & After Photos

Liposculpture of the Neck and Double Chin Area is a Highly Effective Method of Permanent Fat Removal

Fat removal of the chin/neck area in female
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Fat removal of the chin/neck area in female
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Fat removal of the chin/neck area in female
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Fat removal of the chin/neck area in female
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Fat removal of the chin/neck area in male
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Fat removal of the chin/neck area in female
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Fat removal of the chin/neck area in female
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Fat removal of the chin/neck area in female
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Fat removal of the chin/neck area in female

Liposculpture describes the process of permanently removing fat with liposuction using fine, small instruments called microcannulas under local numbing called tumescent anesthesia. It is a highly effective means of body and neck contouring with an outstanding safety record. The double chin area and neck are ideal areas of permanent fat removal with liposculpture in patients with good skin elasticity and none to mild skin laxity.

Liposculpture of the neck and double chin area is a highly effective method of permanent fat removal. It can be used to sculpt the jawline and create a more pleasing chin area and profile. Surprisingly, neck liposuction is very comfortable and typically has minimal downtime. Mild swelling, tenderness, or bruising characterize the recovery following this in-office procedure.

Patients that have diet and exercise resistant fat in the chin and neck area are typically good candidates for this procedure. Liposculpture is best-suited for those individuals in good health who desire a dramatic improvement with a single treatment to the double chin area. Results are often visible immediately post-procedure although long-term results are best achieved around 6 months following the procedure.

For more information about double chin treatment with liposculpture in the San Diego area, call Dr. Melanie Palm at 858.792.SKIN (7546) to schedule an appointment to discuss your treatment options.

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