Fat Transfer Before & After Photos

Hand Rejuvenation: Fat Transfer Before & After Photos

Fat transfer Can Disguise Visible Tendons and Hide Ropey Veins on the Back of the Hands

Fat transfer is a gratifying treatment for the aging appearance of the back of the hands. Fat procured during liposuction or during a small harvest can be gently concentrated through centrifugation and transferred to various regions including the hands, face, buttocks, or breasts to restore natural contours and lost volume. Fat stem cells found in the centrifuged fat may have a rejuvenating appearance on the skin in the area of treatment.

Fat is abundant and can be used in the vast majority of patients with good results. There is no chance of a bad reaction to this “filler” as it is the patient’s own cells. Donor fat is collected under local anesthesia from the knees, thighs, or abdomen, and then transferred through a simple in-office procedure to the donor site (back of the hands).

Fat transfer to the back of the hands allows restoration of the natural youthful appearance of this dexterous part of the body. Fat transfer can disguise visible tendons and hide ropey veins on the back of the hands. The results are long-lasting and provide high patient satisfaction, with most patients experiencing 3-5 years duration or longer.

For more information about fat transfer for hand rejuvenation in the San Diego area, call Dr. Melanie Palm at 858.792.SKIN (7546) to schedule an appointment to discuss your treatment options.

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