Eye & Brow Rejuvenation Before & After Photos

Eye & Brow Rejuvenation Before & After Photos

Reduce wrinkles, under eye bags, and other signs of aging in the eye and brow areas of the face.

They eye area is the most recognizable are of the face. It is also one of the first to show aging changes. For this reason, sophisticated, natural, and age-reversing procedures must be carried out with the utmost thought and consideration to the eye and brow area.

Common areas of concern in the eye and brow region include under eye bags, wrinkles and crepiness, droopy brows, excess skin of the upper eyelid, and hollowing of the eyes. Many of these concerns can be addressed successfully through nonsurgical procedures including skilled injectable filler placement, fat transfer, laser resurfacing, and skin tightening with radiofrequency or ultrasound (Ultherapy).

Wrinkles, textural changes, and crepiness of the skin are typically addressed with laser and light procedures or skin tightening devices. Undereye bags can be camouflaged through advanced filler and fat techniques or through skin tightening or laser resurfacing procedures. Eyelid and brow concerns are often combined with a variety of techniques from injectable hyaluronic acid fillers, plasma rich platelet (PRP) injection, fat transfer, skin tightening procedures, and laser resurfacing.

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