

Skin Treatments & Resurfacing for Melasma, Brown Spots, Sun Damage

Spectra - Face
Melasma treatment to face in female
Spectra - Face 2
Melasma treatment to face in female
Spectra - Lips
Melasma treatment to upper lip in female
Spectra - Face 3
Melasma treatment to face in female
Spectra - Face 4
Melasma treatment to face in female
Spectra - Face 5
Melasma treatment to face in female

The effects of the sun over time can have a variety of consequences on the skin in the form of sun damage. Ultraviolet (UV) light exposure over time often causes brown discoloration in the skin in the form of brown spots, freckling, and melasma. Melasma is of special note as it is characterized by brown patches on the face related to sun exposure, hormonal influences, and inflammation.

Brown discoloration is treated differently depending on the condition being treated. Melasma is oftentimes best treated with topical skin care first, followed by a correctly chosen laser to avoid worsening the condition.

Lasers such as the Spectra (a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser), are usually best suited for treating melasma.  Depending on the severity of the condition, one to several treatments may be necessary.

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