Vanquish Before & After Photos

Body Contouring: Vanquish Before & After Photos

Vanquish Radiofrequency for Nonsurgical Fat Reduction

Vanquish - Abdomen
Fat reduction to abdomen in female
Vanquish - Abdomen 2
Fat reduction to abdomen in female
Vanquish - Abdomen 3
Fat reduction to abdomen in female
Vanquish - Abdomen 4
Fat reduction to abdomen in female
Vanquish - Abdomen 5
Fat reduction to abdomen in female
Vanquish - Thighs
Fat reduction to the inner and outer thighs in female
Vanquish - Thighs 2
Fat reduction to the inner and outer thighs in female

Vanquish harnesses radiofrequency (RF) energy to painlessly and with no downtime create nonsurgical fat reduction.  Vanquish ME is a U-shaped field radiofrequency device.  Most typically, 4 weekly treatments are administered to reduce fat along the waistline, abdomen, muffin top, and bra line.  The Vanquish FLEX applicator is a smaller treatment arm that is ideal for treatment of unwanted fat in the upper arms, inner and outer thighs.

Dr. Palm was one of the first physicians in the U.S. to begin treating patients with this technology. She published a medical article on treatment protocol recommendations and was involved with a U.S. clinical trial on fat treatment with Vanquish.  She continues to be a key opinion leader for BTL, the makers of Vanquish, Exilis, Protégé Elite, and Cellutone and lectures regularly on noninvasive body contouring as invited faculty at national dermatology and cosmetic surgery meetings.

These treatment results are often visible about a month into treatment but most dramatic 3 months after treatment.  Fat loss due to Vanquish treatment is enhanced by acoustic wave therapy (Cellutone), and therefore Dr. Palm offers this complementary treatment to all patients undergoing RF fat reduction treatment.  Circumferential waistline reduction is often accomplished by using Vanquish on the front and back of the waistline and/or combining it with monopolar focused RF (Exilis).

For more information about body contouring with Vanquish in the San Diego area, call Dr. Melanie Palm at 858.792.SKIN (7546) to schedule an appointment to discuss your treatment options.

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