Sculptra Before & After Photos

Chest Rejuvenation: Sculptra Before & After Photos

Sculptra Collagen Stimulating Injectable is Effective for Décolleté Rejuvenation

Sculptra (poly-L-lactic acid) is approved in the U.S. for improvement in facial folds and wrinkles of the face.  However, skilled dermatologists often use this collagen stimulating injectable to enhance various areas of the body including the chest, upper arms, thighs, and buttocks.  Specific to the decollete area, Sculptra improves the structural framework under the skin while thickening the dermis.

Sculptra is particularly helpful in addressing vertical lines and wrinkles in the female chest area.  A small series of monthly treatments (usually 3-4 vials) total area used to create the effect.  Sculptra’s collagen stimulating activity takes 3-6 months – a gradual but meaningful effect.  The results are long-lasting.  Sculptra is approved for 25 months of duration although Dr. Palm typically recommends an annual Sculptra booster to maintain the effect.

Dr. Palm has a special affinity to Sculptra use. Although she frequently uses all available FDA-approved injectable fillers and neurotoxins, she has co-authored four papers and a book chapter regarding the use of Sculptra.  She has been a member of both national and international Sculptra advisory boards.  Furthermore, she is part of a 5-year clinical trial on Sculptra and has presented to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding product use.

For more information about Sculptra in the San Diego area, call Dr. Melanie Palm at 858.792.SKIN (7546) to schedule an appointment to discuss your treatment options.

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