Acne Scarring Before & After

Acne Scarring Before & After Photos

Inflammatory or Cystic Acne Can Lead To Scarring of the Skin, Treatments and Solutions

Acne Scarring
IPL to red/brown acne scarring in female
Acne Scarring 2
IPL to red/brown acne scarring in female

Nearly 90% of individuals will experience acne breakouts during adolescence or adulthood.   Significant inflammatory or cystic acne can lead to scarring of the skin.  Early intervention of active scarring and appropriate treatment of acne scarring are the best options available to reduce the development and appearance of scars from acne.

Red, pink, or brown marks or “stains” left behind from acne blemishes can be treated with salicylic acid peels and light and laser based treatments.  A series of IPL, sometimes combined with fractional laser treatments called Fraxel or ResurFX, can lead to great improvement of discoloration and mild acne scarring.  These acne scar treatments are best completed as a small series of treatments performed about a month apart.

More significant acne scarring such as boxcar, icepick, or rolling acne scars may require more involved procedures or a combination approach.  Topical acids, subcision, scar release, filler placement, CO2 laser skin resurfacing, and radiofrequency (RF) microneedling.  CO2 laser skin resurfacing and microneedling radiofrequency (the Infini device) are usually reserved for cases of more severe acne scarring.  RF microneedling has the advantage of being relatively colorblind for skin type, meaning it is safe to treat on even the darkest tones of skin.  Plasma rich platelets, or PRP, may be combined as an injection or as a topical application with CO2 laser skin resurfacing or Infini to stimulate further collagen remodeling.


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