Wrinkle Treatment Before & After

Wrinkle Treatments with Fractional Lasers Before & After

Anti-Aging Treatments Using CO2 Lasers, PDT and more

Sun damage, environmental pollutants and the passage of time all show on the face as textural changes and often wrinkling.  When severe, a yellowish coloration of the skin often termed sallowness can begin to appear.  The driver’s side of our face often demonstrates more aging changes due to increase exposure to the skin, leading to increased wrinkling, textural changes, and even volume loss on the left side of our face.

These challenges of skin aging can be improved with fractionated laser skin treatments.  A lighter skin fractional (nonablative) laser treatment similar to Fraxel is called ResurFX.  It is an infrared laser that deposits column of heat into the dermis, the second layer of the skin.  A series of treatments shows gradual and continued improvement in skin texture, helping to address fine lines, enlarged pores, mild scars, and overall quality of the skin.  ResurFX is often combined with IPL as “photofractional” treatment to treat skin tone and texture during a single combined treatment session.

CO2 laser skin resurfacing yields more dramatic results but typically has approximately a week of downtime.  However, the degree of downtime with most cosmetic procedures is proportional to the degree of improvement.  CO2 laser skin resurfacing can greatly improve deep wrinkles, crepey skin around the eyes, severe sun damage, acne scars, and even surgical scars.  It is often combined with IPL to improve skin tone and occasionally with PDT to treat both precancerous spots and sun damage including wrinkles simultaneously.

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